Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Enjoying another week as a family of 4 (week 2)

Another week has passed...and we are enjoying every moment..well almost every moment. Things are going very well. Every day Brenton is staying awake for longer periods of time. He lost his umbilical cord 15. He's growing very well. On Monday, June 15th, he weighed 7 lbs 11oz. He passed his birth weight before 2 weeks, so I know he's getting plenty to eat. Aleigha is back to not having any accidents...YA!!! Pain wise, I am feeling pretty good for the most part. Some days I am in more pain than others, but nothing I can't tolerate. I am very very tired a lot of the time. Brenton staying awake for longer periods of time also includes during the night too. Plus Aleigha is still waking up in the middle of the night and coming into our need less to say, I don't think I'm getting a good nights rest every night. But hey, that is what it means to be a parent...and it's worth it. Aleigha is still doing great with Brenton. However, every morning she is very very cranky. She's still sleeping for about the same amount of time, but now that she's coming into bed with is interrupted sleep, and I think it is wearing on her as well. As for this past week, we have been enjoying it by spending time with friends. We went and visited with some friends over the weekend, Brian and Emily...and their children Brian and Lilly. Lilly is about a year older than Aleigha, so they have a blast together. They went swimming, played on the swing set, planted flowers, rode bikes, and lots more. They are really cute together. We also had our friends, JD and Ashley over this week for dinner and games. It's nice to be able to spend time with friends. We've also been fortunate to have many visitors. Also, last Friday was my birthday. We celebrated it by going out to eat at Gran Ranchero in Parkersburg. They sang Happy Birthday to me ( in Spanish of course) and made me wear a sombrero and gave me fried ice cream (mmmm....i love fried ice cream). My parents, Molly, a couple of her friends, Jared, Leta, Richie, Johnnie, and Carrie, and of course Chris, Aleigha, and Brenton were all there to help me celebrate. We had a great time. For my birthday we got a 42 inch, flat screen tv. It's my birthday, mother's day, and father's day gift. That way we were able to justify the price a little...however, we did get a really good was on sale for $300 off the original price. Well, that has been our week. Here are some pictures captured during the week (plus a few others that were not put on earlier).

The morning I gave birth to Brenton

About to leave for the hospital

39 weeks and 1 day

Pretty much all baby

I don't think these pictures ever made the blog before...
so I wanted to add them...better late than never

Grandma and Brenton

cute profile shot

playing with bubbles

check out those cool shoes...not really sure where they came from

Aleigha's bubble hand print

I finally got a picture with his eyes open

He loves his mommy's kisses

Mommy and Baby

the bowl is bigger than she is

licking the brownie bowl

Getting some tummy time

Enjoying some Grandma time...I swear it is b/c of her why Aleigha is sooo smart...she gets on their level and talks and talks to got Brenton all excited...he started cooing and kicking his was really cute

Mine and Brenton's hands

Love it

Our precious baby boy

He always squints when I take a picture...I can never get his eyes open

Brenton's profile...look at that cute little sloped nose and those chubby little cheeks

1 comment:

Wade said...

I love every single picture! Brenton is such a stud... We cannot wait to meet him. Also let Aleigha know that she has the coolest boots and I love her style. I wish Wade and I took a picture of me and him the morning I went into labor, the latest picture I have is 3 weeks ago. Anyways we love you guys and miss you... P.S.: wade is jealous of your Birthday gift... He's now begging me for one.