Saturday, January 9, 2010

Holiday Fun!

Our little princess-she got 6 pairs of dress up shoes, 2 tiaras, a magic wand, and a princess dress from Grandma and Papa Richie (among lots of other fun things)

Our Christmas Superhero!!

getting ready to go out and play in the snow

the view of our house from the road after the first big snow storm of the season (we got about 15 inches) and b/c of this snow, we had a white Christmas

the road in front of our house

Daddy and Aleigha trying to build a snow man, but the snow was too fluffy

our little snow bunny

the hedges in front of our house were folded in half

the snow came to Thor's chest (and if you have seen Thor lately, you know he is not a little dog)

Brenton and Santa

Aleigha telling Santa what she wanted for Christmas.

Aubrey and Brenton on Santa's lap...Brenton was very much into Santa's attire

Christmas shopping

Brenton thinks this must be the most comfortable lap he's ever sat on.

hmm...I wonder what was going on in his mind when this picture was taken

she's not the easiest person to take pictures with anymore

Daddy and Mr. B

The Perry family on Thanksgiving

Aleigha and Brenton on Santa's lap. They got to sit on Santa's lap about 6 times this year. Brenton even did the "beard" test, and confirmed that this is the true Santa. Aleigha did a great job every time telling Santa what she wanted for Christmas...there was no way Santa didn't get the message that she wanted toys, books, and a baby doll...and Santa stayed true to her wishes.

  1. "Merry Christmas Everyone!"
We hope you all enjoyed the holiday's as much as we did. We had lots of fun spending time with family this Christmas season. I have always loved Christmas and this time of year. I have always felt the magic and love that Christmas has to offer. However, when you have children of your own, there is a whole new magic. Looking in the face of a toddler, when they see Santa, Christmas lights, gifts, etc is such a wonderful experience. It's another joy of being a parent. Here are a few pictures of the start of our holiday fun. I have lots more on another camera, so there will be more to come.