Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Brenton rolls over

So, not a whole lot new has happened recently. I have been busy working on all the requirements for becoming a substitute teacher. I have successfully completed the course, and now I am waiting for my certificate so I can then get my permit. So now I am just pretty much waiting for all the paper work to get in order. We've also been busy planning Aleigha's 2nd birthday. She is pretty excited about it. I can't believe my little girl is almost 2!!! Time has flown by sooo quickly. She is growing up so fast. She amazes me with how smart she is and how quickly she is learning. She is such a sponge. I am trying to take this time and teach her as much as I can while I know her mind is ready to absorb it. One of her favorite activities right now is playing school (in her words..."play skcool."), which entails reading books (with the familiar books, I'll read part of a sentence, and then she finishes it), picture flash cards (she will tell you what the picture is and with cards of multiple things she will point to each item and tell you what it is), practicing her ABC's, 123's, shapes and colors. Of course, we don't do all that at once b/c she is only 2 and her attention span only goes for so long. She will usually tell me which one she wants to do and when. She is also very big into playing pretend now. She loves to play "tea party" and house. Brenton is almost 4 months old. He is getting so strong. He is rolling over more often. He has yet to roll from back to belly, but he is getting pretty close. He gets up on his side, stays there for awhile, and then falls back on his back. His legs are super strong as he kicks, pushes his butt in the air, and rotates himself all using his legs. I think he'll be a little athlete just like his dad and all his uncles.
Well, we are heading to Florida today. We will be visiting with Chris' Aunt Loree and her family and my brother Adam and his family on our way there. We actually fly out in a couple of days. We will be visiting Chris' grandmother, uncles, and many members of his family. We are all very excited.
I hope you all enjoy the blog. Also, I tried uploading a video of Aleigha talking, but it was too big. I had to upload it to Youtube instead. I have also sent it to my myspace. But the youtube link is (you might need to copy and and past into your url window). It's pretty cute, so if you haven't seen it yet...check it out.

Brenton doesn't look to excited that Aleigha was crowding him in his bouncer seat

I think these two will have a lot of fun (and mischief) growing up together.

she loves to hold her brother

I did my observations last week so that I can start substitute teaching soon. Chris watched the kids ( a perk while working from home). However, because he was busy working, he put Aleigha in the living room to play and Brenton in his crib for a nap...that way he knew Aleigha wouldn't be torturing Brenton. However, she got a little too quite for him. He went to go look for her. She wasn't in the living room. He walked into the nursery...and thought that her stool probably shouldn't be right there. As he walked a little closer....

....this is what he found....

....Aleigha laying right next to Brenton, tucked under the covers, and sucking on a pacifier.

Thor has out past both of our children in size rather quickly. He is now about 40 lbs at 4 months old. By a year old, I think he will have me out past.

Aleigha is such a good sister. She loves Brenton soo much.

cuddly time with his doggy blankey

Brenton is getting so big and strong.

Here is a video of Brenton rolling over at 3 1/2 months. It has taken us quite some time to finally get in on video.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

just hanging about

Sorry it's been a little time since I last wrote...pretty much because not a lot has happened in the last few weeks. I have been enjoying time as a mom to my two wonderful children. The last couple of weeks I have been working on completing a substitute training course. Today I had an interview for a substitution position...I think it went pretty well. If it didn't...well then, more time with my babies :). Otherwise, I'm pretty excited about working a couple of days a week. I still have to complete some classroom observation and get a it will still take some time before I even know anything. Anyways, we've been having a good time just hanging out at home and spending time with friends and family. Brenton is getting to be a very big boy. He weighs about 11 1/2 lbs now. He's rolling over a lot more now, grabbing things, smiling and laughing all the time. He brings a lot of joy to our family. Aleigha is growing up all too quick as well. She is learning every day. She is so smart and so much fun. These two kids together are mine and Chris' pride and joy. We are a very blessed and fortunate.

Where did our little girl go?? I think she skipped being a toddler and went straight to pre-school age. (Sorry it's sideways.)

Aleigha pulling Brenton around in her wagon.

Just hanging out

Maddie and Aleigha posing for the camera

a bowl of ice and a couple of cups and these girls were kept busy for a couple of hours

Aleigha wanted to redecorate Molly's bday cake

Aleigha hanging out at the "big kid" table of Molly's surprise party...and fitting right in

The girls at Molly's surprise party

Aleigha and Daddy bowling

My parents threw Molly a surprise party for her 16th birthday at the bowling alley. It was a great time.

My beautiful baby girl

trying out the see-saw

having a fun time at the park

climbing up the slide

my little beauty

Alright...I know this last video of Brenton isn't much to brag about...but the smile at the very beginning is worth it. I wish it was a picture rather than a video, but it is what it is. He was constantly smiling for seriously 10 mins before I took the video...then he decided to stop. But there aren't a whole lot of pictures of him in the blog, so I wanted to add something of my amazing little boy.