Thursday, July 23, 2009

Exciting News!!!

This has been a very exciting week. We have not done a whole lot this week, but nonetheless, it's been quite exciting. Thor spent the weekend at the vet because his illness continued to get worse. However, after 4 days of IV fluid and medicine, we were able to pick him up. He is acting 100% better. With each passing day, he poop gets a little thicker. He is still on medicine, but he is making a nice recovery.
This week, we got the exciting news that the newest member of our family was born, Oliver Seth Owen (I believe this is the official name)-Laura and Todd's second little boy. He makes the 4th baby born in 8 weeks. He is absolutely adorable, he looks like a little Parker. We can't wait to meet him, as well with all the other babies. Our first chance to meet one of the newest babies will be next week, when Katie and Wade and little Aubrey come to visit. We are anxiously awaiting their visit.
It is not uncommon for toddlers and young children to regress a little when a new sibling is born. Aleigha has, for the most part, done well; however, there have been some things that have changed. For instance, she was 100% potty trained during the day. Now she has pee accidents (fortunately she has not had any poop accidents), about every other day and sometimes twice in one day. I think we are going to go back to the M&Ms to reinforce her to use the big girl potty again. It worked within days after first starting, so hopefully this will get her back to being fully potty trained during the day. Also as a little incentive, we taught her how to use a stool and climb on the BIG potty (w/ an attachment of course) all by herself. She gets very very excited when she climbs on it with no help. I have included a video of her doing this; however, the memory card became full as soon as she climbed on. So unfortunately, we did not get her reaction on camera.
Another regression has been that she was sleeping all through the night. Now she wakes up and wants to come into our bed. This week we took down the side of her crib to make it a toddler bed that she could climb in and out of. We were a little weary of doing this because she has no door to her room, and I didn't want her to wander around the house looking for us. And since she has never tried to climb out we thought we would keep her in the crib for as long as possible. We are fortunate to have a second crib for Brenton, so we don't need to move her out. Despite all this, I thought that the excitement of not having the side of the bed would make her excited to sleep in her bed instead of ours...HAHA. The only plus side of it was that we didn't have to get out of bed to get her...she came to us. It assured her coming into our bed. The first night, we thought that maybe it was a success. She slept all the way through the night in her own bed. The only scary thing was that when she did wake up around 7:30, before we were awake, she searched the whole down stairs for us. When I heard her calling out for us, I got up to get her, and found her in the kitchen. The second night, I woke up (I guessed I sensed something, b/c I didn't hear anything), to find her standing right next to our bed. All I could see was her eyes up. She didn't say a scared me half to death. The next night, Chris awoke and found her laying on the floor beside our bed with her blankie and bunny. It didn't take long for us to put the side back up. I included a video of her playing in her bed. She did like that she was able to climb in and out whenever she wanted; however, it didn't keep her in bed at night. When we get back from vacation in a few weeks, we are going to try to do sleep training. It worked for her when she was 9 months.
Alright, so for what makes this week the most exciting.........drum roll please.........Chris and I will be going to the Washington DC temple to be sealed together and to our children for all time and eternity. We were able to set the date and get our interviews all in the same. We are inviting all friends and family that are able to go to join us in such a joyous occassion. For those who can not go into the temple, are more than welcome to come see us outside the temple and then join us for a celebration dinner outside the DC area. We will be sealed on Wednesday, August 12 (aprox. 3 weeks away). For any more details, please contact me.
Here are a few pictures and videos from this week. Hope you all enjoy.

She put herself in Thor's kennel

sneak peek at what Brenton will be wearing for his baby blessing and for the sealing at the temple

an absolutely adorable summer outfit...
thank you Mrs. Nolan...we are forever greatful for all the
wonderful things you have sent to Aleigha and Brenton

Brenton in a cute little onesie that Aunt Carrie bought for him

Aleigha is showing off her muscles

she's so much fun

since Brenton has been born, everything has become her baby...
including this Wii remote cover

Beautiful Aunt Molly taking a nap with Brenton

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Parties, Parties, Everywhere

Yet another week has past. It has been a pretty good week for the most part. However, it has also been a little stressful. We were kept very busy with lots of parties and the addition of a new puppy. Last Thursday, Chris bought a new puppy. I agreed to the puppy as long as he understood that it was HIS puppy. That meant, he lets it out, he walks it, he cleans up after it, he takes it to the vet, and any other additional things that it might require. Well, the puppy had diarrhea when we got him and within 24 hours after getting him he also became very lethargic, was not eating or drinking and also started vomitting. So of course, who had to bring him to the vet first thing the following morning...that would be me. The vet visit went alright for the most part...they tested him for several things, all of which came back negative. They diagnosed him with an inflammed bowel and sent us off with some medicine. He has seemed to make a remarkable difference in now that he is eating, drinking, and playing. He has also stopped the vommiting; however, the diarrhea is now full of blood. We contacted the breeder and had to meet him to pick up some additional medicine. And guess who had to pick it up...again, that would be me. I really can't complain though, Chris is doing all the dirty work. The puppy wakes up more than Brenton in the middle of the night...and that makes me happy. The puppy is absolutly adorable and Aleigha loves him. He is a full bred American Bulldog named Thor. He was a bit costly but we plan on breeding him and should make our money back fairly quick. Like our beloved Saddie, he has done great with both kids.
Also this week, my parents and Molly came back from their trip to Idaho (to see Katie's baby, Aubrey, be born) and Texas (to meet Bob's baby, Jaxon). They were home for three days before heading to NJ (to care for Uncle Bob and visit with Tom and his family). However, they were only in NJ for 1 1/2 days before my mom flew to Arkansas (to see the birth of Laura's new baby boy...yet to happen) and my dad came home. Molly and my Dad will be headed to Ak as soon as Molly comes home from church camp. We missed my parents while they were gone. We had a great time with them while they were here, and now we are missing them (well my mom) again. Hopefully we will be able to spend a good bit of time with my dad before he leaves again. We were very fortunate to be able to spend the day with him today. Us Thornburgh kids sure do keep my parents busy with all these babies. First it was wedding after wedding...and now baby after baby. However, I know they enjoy being able to travel and spend time with all their children and grandchildren. They are great parents and I have been so fortunate to be born to them.
Over the weekend, we were kept busy with 3 parties in 2 days. First, Aleigha, Brenton, and I went to my friend, Jami's bridal shower. We had a good time there, spending time with friends we hadn't seen in awhile. Later that day, all of us went to the Satre's Mega-Party (as I heard someone in the family call it). Scott along with Allie, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Abbie all have July birthdays (Abbie's the first week of August). With so many birthday's so close, they decided to have one big party for them all on Allie's bday. It was a lot of fun...although it felt like Christmas (only some of us not getting presents). Then on Sunday, we went to Chris' step brother, Shane's going-away party. Shane will be serving a two year mission to Russia for our church. We had a great time spending the day with family and friends. We were sad to see Shane leave, but we are very proud of him.
Today, Brenton had his six week apointment. It is heartbreaking for a mother to hear the cries of their baby getting a shot. It broke my heart to hear him cry out in pain. He is a trooper though; he cried for about 2 minutes but has not let out a cry since (it's been about 8 hours). At 6 weeks and 1 day, Brenton weighs 9 lbs 5 oz and is 21 3/4 inches long. He is growing like a weed. His personality is developing more and more everyday. For about the last hour or two of sleep this morning he slept in our bed. I awoke to the noises of him cooing and laughing. I turned towards him, to see him afixed in a gaze, looking up in the corner of the room. He was very excited and seemed to be "talking" to someone that I could not see. It seems that many parents have observed their newborns in a situation like this at one time or another. To me, it seems clear that the veil is thin for them and that they are communicating with some being that they knew in the pre-existence. It is an amazing thing to witness, and I cherish every moment that I am blessed to see him (as I did with Aleigha) have an experience like this.
I believe I have made up for last weeks short post. I hope you all enjoy. I appreciate all those who take the time to read and look at my post, it means a great deal to me. Take care.

Heisman Pose already-our future football star

black mail on Aleigha (I know it's mean to post these..
but I just can't help's too cute)

Brenton sleeps just like Chris and Aleigha

We were a little worried how the puppy would act around the kids...the first morning we had him, Aleigha left the baby gate opened...the dog went into the living room where we had been sleeping...Chris and I ran in as soon as we realized where the puppy went...this is what we found

Aric's twin brother Won Twon
Aric was stung by a bee right above his left eye brow (on the inside-if you look close you can see it)...they had to take him to the ER b/c his face swelled..the bee stung him in his sinus' his poor face looked like this for about a week

At Jami's bridal shower w/ Jami and Amanda...we had a good time
Congrats Jami!!

She loves her Gramma and Pop

Sporting her boots

but not the pants (or underwear for that matter)

he was fed up w/ me taking pictures during his nap

Thor sleeping w/ Chris

me and my handsome husband...I think after 2 kids we're still looking okay
(well atleast when we try)

me being vain (although I had to take about 30 or more pics to get one that I liked)

Aleigha, gramma, and Thor

She was a big hit in this there are several pics (from different angles)
of her in this dress

our little beauty

oh...i love it!

she loves here gramma

so this outfit came to be b/c she insisted on wearing the boots...being summer and not a whole lot of options for boots I went through her clothes and put this together...I think it turned out great!

Daddy-Daughter pic

Grandma Leta with her two grandbabies

Brenton looking adorable

grandma love

It takes about 30 tries to get a decent family picture....and this is about the best we get

she wore it well

he is very aleart now-a-days

what a stud!

an absolutely adorable bathing suit

she is such a happy girl...i love it!

so precious

so much personality

precious boy

he also has a great personality

he's got awesome lips, just like his sister

our newest addition....Thor

American Bulldog

at 7 weeks-8.8 lbs
expected weight at 1 year- 90+ lbs

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 4th

We had a great week. We spent our fourth of July at our friends Brian and Emily's. Aleigha had a great time playing with Lilly. They had a lot of fun swimming, playing on the swing set, riding bikes, playing w/ dolls and play dough, coloring, and lots more. We enjoyed a great barbaque and just spending time with friends. We topped the evening off with seeing fire works. It was Aleigha's first time and she loved every moment of the show. We also had Elizabeth (my niece), Craig, and some other Satre kids over this week. And today we had a blast at the park followed by getting sno biz (shaved ice...a first time treat for Aleigha).
Developments this week: Aleigha's language and socialization skills continue to get better every day. She has even joined in on Chris and my conversations. Brenton is growing like a weed. This week I had to put away some of his newborn clothes that don't fit him anymore. Although, not all the 0-3 month clothes fit yet. He smiles more and more with each passing day and he his starting to laugh more too...i love it!
Hope you enjoy the many pictures taken this week. I have a hard time deciding what pictures to post...I feel like I'm leaving out so many good ones...yet I still post over 40 pics from one week!!! Thank goodness for digital cameras and blogging (I can reach so many ppl...with such a little price). (I think I did a good job this time by not writing such a long
our little model

our pretty princess

she's got amazing features

had to stop for a potty break

Aleigha finds it necessary to entertain herself on long car rides

just the beginning of a fun Independence Day

sporting the sun hat

a little fish...and a ball player
i absolutely love this bathing suit

beautiful Lilly holding Brenton

nothing more fun than skinny dipping

our blue eyed beauty

having a little trouble with the dress...haha

Brenton representing his country...everyone wanted to take a nap after a nice big lunch...Brenton was the only one lucky enough to actually get to

eating wild grapes...and knowing she wasn't suppose to

a family picture on July 5th...still celebrating or Independence

trying to hide at church

she loves her brother

our sleeping beauty

Brenton laying on Aleigha's stomach while she slept

Craig, Brenton, and Allie

Brenton with his oldest cousin, Elizabeth

absolutely love the smile

she's just sooo beautiful

jared came for a visit...aleigha loves company

enjoying the summer with some cool shades and a yummy popsicle

rolling over at 3 weeks...sitting up at 5

he's getting so big...

and bald.
so angelic

he loved the feeling of the cool, soft grass beneath him

what a cutie

chillin' in the grass

having fun at the park

hanging from the monkey bars...i promise, Chris was right beside her

Brenton's turn!...he couldn't let Aleigha stand him up

mommy and kids

daddy and kids

riding the dino

close up

i love him

kissing in the park

enjoying a snack at the park

i mean...really enjoying a snack