Also this week, my parents and Molly came back from their trip to Idaho (to see Katie's baby, Aubrey, be born) and Texas (to meet Bob's baby, Jaxon). They were home for three days before heading to NJ (to care for Uncle Bob and visit with Tom and his family). However, they were only in NJ for 1 1/2 days before my mom flew to Arkansas (to see the birth of Laura's new baby boy...yet to happen) and my dad came home. Molly and my Dad will be headed to Ak as soon as Molly comes home from church camp. We missed my parents while they were gone. We had a great time with them while they were here, and now we are missing them (well my mom) again. Hopefully we will be able to spend a good bit of time with my dad before he leaves again. We were very fortunate to be able to spend the day with him today. Us Thornburgh kids sure do keep my parents busy with all these babies. First it was wedding after wedding...and now baby after baby. However, I know they enjoy being able to travel and spend time with all their children and grandchildren. They are great parents and I have been so fortunate to be born to them.
Over the weekend, we were kept busy with 3 parties in 2 days. First, Aleigha, Brenton, and I went to my friend, Jami's bridal shower. We had a good time there, spending time with friends we hadn't seen in awhile. Later that day, all of us went to the Satre's Mega-Party (as I heard someone in the family call it). Scott along with Allie, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Abbie all have July birthdays (Abbie's the first week of August). With so many birthday's so close, they decided to have one big party for them all on Allie's bday. It was a lot of fun...although it felt like Christmas (only some of us not getting presents). Then on Sunday, we went to Chris' step brother, Shane's going-away party. Shane will be serving a two year mission to Russia for our church. We had a great time spending the day with family and friends. We were sad to see Shane leave, but we are very proud of him.
Today, Brenton had his six week apointment. It is heartbreaking for a mother to hear the cries of their baby getting a shot. It broke my heart to hear him cry out in pain. He is a trooper though; he cried for about 2 minutes but has not let out a cry since (it's been about 8 hours). At 6 weeks and 1 day, Brenton weighs 9 lbs 5 oz and is 21 3/4 inches long. He is growing like a weed. His personality is developing more and more everyday. For about the last hour or two of sleep this morning he slept in our bed. I awoke to the noises of him cooing and laughing. I turned towards him, to see him afixed in a gaze, looking up in the corner of the room. He was very excited and seemed to be "talking" to someone that I could not see. It seems that many parents have observed their newborns in a situation like this at one time or another. To me, it seems clear that the veil is thin for them and that they are communicating with some being that they knew in the pre-existence. It is an amazing thing to witness, and I cherish every moment that I am blessed to see him (as I did with Aleigha) have an experience like this.
I believe I have made up for last weeks short post. I hope you all enjoy. I appreciate all those who take the time to read and look at my post, it means a great deal to me. Take care.
Aric was stung by a bee right above his left eye brow (on the inside-if you look close you can see it)...they had to take him to the ER b/c his face swelled..the bee stung him in his sinus' his poor face looked like this for about a week
(well atleast when we try)
of her in this dress
Love all the pictures. And we love to read the updates. They are getting so big. Sure do miss you guys.
It's 2:15 am and we just got back from the movies and Katie just had to look at your blog again and make me write a comment while she holds Aubrey. We absolutely love all of your pictures. It doesn't matter how many times we look at your pictures, because they are so good! We miss your guys a ton and are counting down the days!
Katie Wade and Aubrey
Aww, I absolutely LOVE Brenton's Nap Disturbance pic, too cute! And Lil Miss Aleigha has some style! Love her boots! Give them lovin's for us! I can't wait to see y'all again!
Woah! I think Ollie and Brenton actually look quite a bit a like. Cute babies you have...and me too! Love you!
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