Friday, May 22, 2009


On May 16, 2008 I graduated from college....YAY! I wasn't going to participate in the graduation ceremony since I was going to be 9 months pregnant; I wasn't even sure if I'd make it to graduation before having the baby. However, my mom talked me into it. I am very glad that I did participate. It was pretty neat and a very good closure to 6 years of college. We were all a little nervous with how Aleigha would do during the ceremony. She pleased us all and was very well behaved. I think it helped that I was sitting near the end and they had seats just a couple of rows back so if I turned around she was able to see me and wave to me. She was very quiet and well behaved. However, while they were announcing the names and presenting the diplomas, she had to go to the bathroom. She stood up on her chair, pulled down her dress panties and underwear and yelled, "POTTY!!" They were just one or two rows ahead of me and Chris was afraid if he took her out, he would miss me getting my diploma. So he decided it would be a better idea to put a diaper on her (we keep one or two on us at all times b/c she wears them during naps and bed times and ever in case she pees through all her underwear). However, Aleigha was HIGHLY offended by this...she grabbed the diaper and threw it and started screaming. Molly decided to take her to the bathroom rather than have her scream. They were able to make it back in plenty of time for me to walk across the stage. Other than that incident, she did very well. After the ceremony, my parents threw me a graduation party. They had lots of great food and lots of friends and family came to was a great time. I graduated with 2 degrees...a Regents Bachelor of Arts w/ an emphasis in psychology and an Associates of Applied Science: Board of Governors. I also graduated cum laude with just .06% from magna cum laude. I plan on being a substitute teacher for a couple of years while the little ones are still at home. In the mean time, I want to go back to school to complete my Elementary Education degree. Then I'd like to teach full time once our kids are in school themselves. However, we might decide to have a couple more children by then, so we'll just have to play things by ear. Being a wife and mother are the most important things to me. But I am glad I have a degree that I can fall back on if needed. I put a lot of emphasis on education and I want to be a good example to my children. Well, here are some pictures of graduation. Also, I threw some in some recent pics of Aleigha. Hope you enjoy.

Adorable pig-tails

She was getting upset because I was distracting her from watching tv

Very engrossed in "Little Bear"...she calls it "Teddy"

My beautiful Aleigha with her beautiful eyes and smile
(not to mention all the food over her face)

In her adorable Sailor dress

Hard at Daddy

After graduation

My parents and I

"YAY MOMMY!!!! Way to Go!!"

My family

They have all been very supportive of me while I have gone to school.

Pop and Aleigha before graduation

Walking into graduation

Receiving my diploma from the dean

Graduation Picture


Wade said...

Great pictures Emily! Congratulations... we wish we were there!

roxanne said...

Em we are so proud of you.Aleigha is getting so grown up.