Monday, January 6, 2014

Inside Snow Day

What a fun day we had today. School was canceled because of the cold weather. After having the last two weeks off because of the holidays, I was a bit worried of keeping the kids happy and entertained yet another day. At the same time, I wasn't ready for an early morning quite yet. The kids and I slept in until about 9. I was determined to come up with some fun activities so we would all keep our insanity.

We played with moon dough and play dough. I made a light table which they had fun doing a lot of activities with. We played with blocks and bears. I made delicious homemade chicken noodle soup. And we topped the night off with watching a movie all together.

Tomorrow is yet another day off with temperatures reaching in the negatives. I'm excited about another day off with no agenda. Hoping we'll have just as much fun and come Wednesday hopefully we won't have any problems getting back into the normal routine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome idea!! I need to get blogging again! Looks like you all had a fun snow day!