Things have been going really well lately. Nothing to exciting has been happening though. We spent last week at Chris' Aunt's house. We had a good time visiting with her and her family. They have a 2 1/2 year old little boy and he and Aleigha had a lot of fun together. They did argue quite a bit was pretty funny...they seemed like a married couple sometimes. Also, we got a new car a couple of weeks ago...a standard. I had never driven one and was quite scared to start. However, I have been practicing a lot and I think I'm getting the hang of it. I've even made a few trips out on my own.
Brenton is now weighing 15 1/2 lbs. That's 5 months he is outweighing what Aleigha did at 1 year. He is still an average size baby, but compared to Aleigha, I feel that he is a big boy. He is sitting up for several mins at a time now. We have to put him in the sitting position still, but he is doing really well. He is also rolling over from back to belly...however, his arm still gets in the way, so he hasn't mastered the technique quite yet. He is grabbing at anything and everything. He has also found his feet and blows raspberries. It is amazing to see how quick he is developing. He is such a sweet little baby. I just adore the times that Aleigha play's with him. There is so much love between them. The other day, Aleigha was playing peek-a-boo with him and he belly laughed for 15 mins., only coming up for air for a few seconds at a time. It was the sweetest thing ever.
Aleigha is continuing to get smarter and smarter every day. Right now she likes to count and say her alphabet. She says phrases of the alphabet...for example, "ABCD" "LMNOP", "QRS." However, at any time you say the alphabet and pause, she will say the next matter what letter is next. She hasn't gotten the counting down perfect yet..."1-2-3-4-9-4-9-6-7-8-9-10." But for just over 2, I think she's doing excellent.
Okay, so I know I brag about me kids a lot...I just can't help it. I have been soo blessed. I love them so much. And of course, what kind of parent would I be, if I didn't brag about And also, this is pretty much my only journal. I have another one, but you know how that is. This one gets written in much much more. I'm having it printed out in a book form soon so I will actually have a hard copy.
So one last thing: Wal-Marts Newest Fan
I bought Aleigha an outfit a few days ago at Wal-Mart (the purple one below). Of course, she looks absolutely adorable in it like she does in all her clothes. Well, someone commented on it, and of course, I like to brag about the sales I get too. So I told the woman that I got each piece for $2 at Wal-Mart. Later that night, I was sitting with Aleigha on the couch. She says, "I got my clothes at Wal-Mart." short pause "I liiiike Wal-Mart."
I just thought this was too funny. What 2 year old should like, let own liiiike, Wal-Mart. All I can say is, at least it was Wal-Mart and not Gap.
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