Friday, January 27, 2012

A New Year!

Here are a few cute videos of some of the things the kids are into right now. Hope you enjoy!

I have been inspired by some family members to start updating my blog on a regular basis. I have decided to keep it simple and start from now, rather than try to go back and update pictures of the last 6 months that I have missed. I also would like to blog once a week or at least every other week. Therefor, my posts may not be interesting every week, but they will be nice and short and should never get too overwhelming. I may not always have a lot of pictures, but I will try to post at least a couple every week. Like I have mentioned before, my blog is more or less for my sake of keeping a journal. I would like to start printing my blog into a book every year and journal. I do hope, however; that this will also be a means for friends and family, near and far, to keep in touch with our little family.

Chris: Chris is doing very well at his job, which allows him to work from home. He works for, I believe 3 years now, for a research company that is in the business of getting military documents for veterans. We are very fortunate to be able to eat every meal (or at least most) with him. He does work hard, and has his own office, but when he has a few minutes to spare, he comes in to say hello and interact with his family. And of course, I have the ability to go in just about any time I want to have a conversation with him or just enjoy his company. Not to mention the money we have saved being able to have one car, one cell phone, no work clothes, etc.

For years now, Chris has been talking about different entrepreneurship ideas. He has come up with an idea that really looks like it's going to fly. He and a friend, have spent several hours, ironing out all the details of their plan. They are getting closer and closer each day to it taking off. I have full faith that they will do great. I believe that within just a matter of a few weeks, maybe a month, it will finally take off running.

Chris is also going back to school. I am very proud of him, but what makes me even happier, is seeing the pride he has in himself. He is really focused and doing great. He should complete his bachelor's in Spring 2013.

He is such a great guy. He is a loving husband, a devoted father, a loyal employer, a successful entrepreneur, and a diligent student. He works at these all full-time! I love him so much and am so lucky to be married to such a great man.

Emily: I have been enjoying my time as a wife and mother. I am still substitute teaching, however, I have slowed down greatly. I realized this year that we only have a few months left with Aleigha home at all times before she starts school. Chris is jobs pays the bills and allows us to put a little into savings. We don't have the extra money to do anything too elaborate, but I'd rather not work and be able to spend this precious time at home with my children. When my kids are in school, I will have plenty of time to work if need be. As for now, though, I am going to enjoy every craft, every art project, and every game that my kids want to do. Okay...I may not enjoy every whine that is made in efforts to do these things, but I really do prefer to be home with them than working.

As the wife and mother of this household, I am responsible to what my family eats. After assessing the things that we consume on a daily basis, I have realized that we are far from healthy eaters. It is my goal this year to transform our eating habits, to create a life style that will extend the quality of health that we have. It seems that so many medical, physical, and mental health issues stem from one's diet. I am determined to give my children the best start. I wish I would have started this 4 years ago, but at least my kids are still young, and the sooner I start, the easier it will be for all of us, especially for them. I have found a 12 step program (1 step per month) called, '12 Steps to Whole Foods." It is a lifestyle that consists of eating whole foods (not processed) and 60-80% of those foods need to be raw (fresh fruits and veggies). The first month consists of drinking "green" smoothies. And let me tell you, they are delicious!

As well as eating a healthy diet, we feel that exercise is an important lifestyle change. Chris and I, for years, have gone in and out of work out phases. We are really trying hard this year to make it a habit for life. We try to go to the gym at least 3 days a week. Once the weather gets a little warmer, we will be excited to start exercising outside a bit more. We are letting the children know the importance of exercise by taking them to the gym with us once a week. One of us stays in the basketball court (which is rarely used on Saturday mornings) and plays tag, ball, and other games with the kids. They really enjoy going to "work-out" with mommy and daddy. Right now, we are in a competition that includes Katie and Wade. In fact, Katie and I are a team, and Chris and Wade are a team. The goal of our competition is for us all to improve our lifestyles while making exercising "fun." We are measuring the competition by the number of times working out together plus the biggest change in appearance.  Teams get one point after both team members have spent time exercising at the gym. The biggest change in appearance is suppose to be judged by family members at the end of our 12 week plan. The winning team gets to take a day trip to a nearby ski resort. So far Chris and Wade's team are points that is; Katie and I are rockin' the jk.

Church: Chris and I both hold callings in our small church. Chris teaches priesthood, "The Teaching of the Prophets" on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of every month. I teach the youth Sunday school class. The kids enjoy going to primary. Last Sunday, our family was sick, and could not go to church. Aleigha was very sad and devastated over this. She started to cry, and through her tears said, "I have to go to primary, it is sooo important that I go!" I felt so bad. She did not understand why she couldn't go because by morning she was feeling good (however, all the kids were sick). The only way I could calm her was to tell her that church had been canceled because there were so many people that were sick. I felt horrible doing it. Her sweet soul though, came up with the brilliant idea, to have church at home. We dressed for the occasion, and we had a small primary lesson and sang a few songs at home. I am so glad to know that the gospel is so important to her. It makes me feel that we are doing something right.

Aleigha: She is so brilliant. I know that most parents are biased, and it is hard for me to explain, but Aleigha is beyond her 4 years of age. She uses logic to reason, she knows how to problem solve, she can hold a very intelligent conversation with adults. She is a very smart girl. I just hope that I can continue to foster her intelligence the way it will benefit her most. Sometimes she uses her intelligence in ways to deceive and manipulate the that scares me sometimes. She comes up with the most brilliant and witty comments some times. I am going to try to keep a record throughout the week of the funny things she says and then include it in my weekly blog. Some of the funny and wise things she has said this week:

Her favorite song right now is "Mary Did You Know." I showed her how to find the music videos on youtube via the ipad. That way she can listen to it any time she wants. She stumbles across the video that uses footage from the movie "Passion of the Christ." The first time she watched it, I had to turn it off because it was too much for her. I then saw her watching the same video a few hours later. I told her that she probably needed to turn it off because that was the one that made her sad. She told me, "I know those men were mean to Jesus, but it's okay, because that was part of the plan. That had to happen so he could die for us and that we can be with him again."

This past weekend we celebrated Kenli's first birthday I was starting to stress because I couldn't find some of the ingredients for the cake. Aleigha was helping me the night before by putting all the groceries away. The morning of the party when she wakes up I asked her this morning if she found the oreos for Kenli's cake when she was putting away the groceries last night. She informed me that she never saw them. I told her I must of left them in Katie's car or at the store. She quickly responded, "Oh don't worry. I've got a plan. We'll call Katie, if they are in her car, we can go get them and make her the orea cake. If they are not there, and you left them at the store, we'll just make an orange cake. It's not a big deal mom. We'll get it worked out."

We were talking about how our kids have never been in a diaper higher than size 3, more or less b/c how small they are.
Chris says to Aleigha, "Aleigha, you could probably still fit in a size 3 diaper."
Aleigha, "Yeah, I could wear it, but it would give me a wedgie."

Aleigha asked me: "When Jesus comes back, can we meet Him, and Mary, and Joseph?"
Me: "I'm sure we could. That would be great, wouldn't it."
Aleigha: "Yes, I am soo excited. We can even invite them for dinner."
She later told my mom (I was no where around and have been told this part by my mom): "When Jesus comes back, we are going to have Him, and Mary and Joseph over for dinner. I can't wait, but I'm pretty scared too, I've never met them before."

Aleigha: "I'm not yelling, I just have a loud voice."

Since Christmas, Aleigha has been obsessed with the song, "Mary Did You Know." She is always singing the part, "Mary, did you know, this child that you deliver, will soon deliver you."
This morning she asked me what delivered means. I explained the definition in different concepts. Ie: mailman delivering mail, pizza boy delivering pizza, and a mother delivering a child. I then asked a few questions to make sure she understood me. She did. But then asks, "So, Mary delivered Jesus."
Me: "Yes, that's right."
Aleigha: "Okay, I understand that, but HOW did Jesus deliver MARY??"

She astounds us with some of the things she says, and other times, just makes us bust out laughing.

Brenton: I don't even know where to start with this little guy. His talking has really developed over the last few months. He also says some pretty hilarious things, I will post them as well. He is our happy little guy. His smile is so unbelievably contagious. He can brighten anyone's day with just one smile. He loves his sisters soo much. He always wants to do what they are doing...even if that's playing dress up or painting nails. However, he is all boy! He teases Aleigha and Aubrey to no end sometimes, calling them "stinky feet," "turkey butt," "butt muncher," and the list goes on. He knows ways to push their buttons. Although this causes a lot of fights, it's pretty funny to see him deliberately torment them (we try to hide our smiles though). Brenton also has some odd obsessions at this moment in his life. The main one, being his obsession with chap stick. He wakes in his sleep crying for his chap stick. He will tear apart his bed and the couches looking for them. And the worse is, that he wants different ones at different times for no rhythm or reason. So if he can't find the one he wants, we can't console him with a different one. We have been trying to slowly break him of this. It's gotten a little better, but still a ways to go.
Brenton has been potty trained for almost 6 months, only wearing a diaper at night. However, for a reason, unknown to us, he is slightly regressing...having about one or two accidents a day. I am guessing his chap stick addiction and obsession is the underlying root of his regression. He is thinking too much about chap stick and not enough about having to pee.
Brenton LOVES superheros. Especially Spiderman. It is very cute to see him dress up, and run around the house yelling, "I Spida-man! A rescue! He does "flips" aka rolls on the floor trying to defeat his nemesis. He sticks out his hand to release his web, and even cases the wall! He is a great super hero.

Kenli: Kenli just turned 1 yesterday! Oh how time as flown. She is such a happy, pleasant baby. She is hitting milestones like crazy. Here is what I wrote yesterday about her:
One year ago, in the wee hours of the morning, almost making her entrance w/o the doctor, Miss Kenli decided it was time to come into this world. Her entrance should have been a good indication of her personality. Out of three happy, easy babies, she was the most laid back, the most happy baby. However, in the last few months, she has showed us her strong and independent personality...much of what we saw the morning she was born. She is still a very happy child, but one who knows what she wants, and isn't afraid to let others know either. She is full of love for others. She plays with her brother and sister almost as if there is no age difference. Last night she took her first steps, she has 2 teeth (I know...not much for a one yr old..haha) and a few more about to surface, she signs several words, and is distinctly trying to talk. I have 3 children, ages 4 and under, and technically, none of them are babies. I have one preschooler and two toddlers. Excited for the next stage...but sad to see the time pass. Happy Birthday to my beautiful, happy, and strong little girl...who forever in my heart, will be my baby. Happy Birthday Kenli Marie!

Today Kenli learned to dance w/out holding onto anything. She also learned that slapping herself in the face is pretty funny. She continues to make us laugh by doing a fake, forced laugh just to get us to laugh. She's a pretty funny girl.

 I can honestly say, that I am glad I had my kids so close in age. They are truly each others best friends. They do have their knock out, drag down fights, but they really enjoy each others company.

I know that I have written a lot this week. But now that I have the main happenings in our life, things should be much shorter in the following weeks. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved reading your blog, It's 1:00 wv time, and I still found it very intriguing and fun to read, that must tell you how much I enjoyed it. I laughed so hard at all the stories even though, I've heard most of them already. I sure miss you and your kiddos. I loved the videos as well, each one was adorable and totally describes each one of their characters. love you and see you in a week(ish).