Saturday, July 5, 2008

Independence Day

Our July 4th went pretty well. It was pretty nasty outside so fireworks were canceled which was a bummer. Aleigha and I spent most of the day at home, cleaning and relaxing while Chris was working. We decided we had the latest 4th of July picnic ever, which got started around 9 pm. When we are talking about my family, every one arrives the second part of the family didn't get here until 11 pm, but that was ok..b/c a second picnic we had. We all had a very good time though. Aleigha got to wear her cute little Fourth of July dress, which she looked adorable in. She also had a blast showing off for her Mee-Ma and Pee-Pa and her Aunt Katie. Then later on she had a great time playing with her cousins. Her and Maddie are really starting to interact with each's really cute to see. Here are some pictures of Aleigha in her July 4th dress.

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