Hey everyone! I just thought it was about time to update my blog. Things are going pretty well with our family. Chris is enjoying his new job. And Aleigha and I are enjoying him being home. I am almost finished with school...in fact I will be done next week...yah!!!! I graduate on May 16th...that is of course if I pass all my finals. I am very excited to finally be done. I would like to start substituting when the baby is about 6 months. Then I would like to go back to school to finish my Education Degree and start teaching full time when both kids are in school themselves...but these are just plans, and everyone knows how plans are. My pregnancy is going pretty well for the most part. I am considered high risk at this point for a few reasons. One, because of my size...my doctor doesn't think I will be able to deliever a baby over 7 pounds or so. Also, my fluid levels are high. Normal range is said to be about 18-20%. Two weeks ago they were 20%, just enough for my doctor to be a little concerned, so he scheduled another ultra sound for today to keep an eye on it. Today my fluid levels were up to 28%. According to my doctor, this isn't so high to be alarmed about the baby. However, if they continue to go up, it could indicate something wrong. My doctor says at this level things are just more uncomfortable for me..(which trust me, I am sooo uncomfortable, I am ready to have this baby as soon as possible). The other major concern of high fluid at this point is early labor. However, my doctor said that if I go into labor after 35 weeks he will not stop it. So potentially, I could have this baby as early as next week. However, neither one of us think I will go that early. Yet my doctor does think I will go early on my own...I hope he is right. I would like to go into labor at around 37 weeks. That gives me enough time to finish school, graduate, and have a little time to get things in order for the baby. Also, the baby is a bit larger than average, which scares me because I will be more likely to have a C-section if he is too big. (Another reason I want to go early). Also, the baby is heads up....only 3% of babies remain in the breach position at around 38 weeks, so he will likely flip. In case he doesn't, my doctor is certified in external aversions (flipping the baby around manually). However it can cause fetal distress, therefore they won't do it until the end of my pregnancy in case he does go into distress and I need an emergency c-section. Needless to say, I am very nervous about everything. I really don't want to have a c-section. So, I hope he flips and then I hope that I go around 37 weeks on my own...that way he won't get too big, probably around 6.5 - 7 lbs. But for the most part, I am still able to do anything I want to do. I am extremely uncomfortable, but it is tolerable. So things could be a lot worse, and I am so thankful they are not. Anyways...moving on. Aleigha is doing really well. Learning like a sponge and growing every day. She is doing excellent with the potty training. She seems very excited about having a little brother. Her talking is excelling as well...she adds new words to her vocabulary it seems everyday.
Enough said...on to the pictures. Again, I have included a lot of pictures because I can never decide on just a few. I hope you enjoy.
Easter Poses
Being Silly while taking pictures
She's absolutely beautiful
The Thornburgh women that were home for Easter
Our family picture
Molly and Aleigha in their almost matching dresses
Trying to escape outside
Putting the egg in her basket
Just found her first egg!
I think I see something!!
About to start the hunt
Her Easter gift
Excited about all the candy
Not sure what to think about all this candy first thing in the morning
Trying to drink the egg dye
She likes her basket
The basket is bigger than her...this Easter basket is used for the whole family
It used to be my mom's when she was a little girl
Crack kills
Dying eggs the night before Easter
Daddy and Uncle Wade reminiscing their childhood
Helping mommy make cookies for the first time
She certainly liked stirring the batter
I thought that this picture turned out pretty neat
Me at the park
Showing me her shadow
Just precious
Checking to see what she left in the potty
Potty training in the park
Mommy and Aleigha...I really like this picture,
I wish it showed more of Aleigha's face though
Wild hair...from the static at the play ground
Eating cantaloupe
Playing at the park
Beautiful Sunday afternoon
Dying Easter Eggs