seems like forever since I posted a blog. There have been so many cute pictures and videos that I have taken that I want to share with everyone. So in this blog I will be playing catch up. I will try to be selective in what I put on here, but I still know it will be alot. I hope you enjoy.
Grandma, Aleigha, and Daddy at church
Getting ready for bed
Our house is so cold...we got her thermal pjs, gloves, and a hat so she could wear around the house...she sleeps w/ the gloves on b/c she refuses to keep her hands under the covers.
So cute
She was so excited to see that she could make the scale work...16 lbs 6 oz. And 28 inches long-at a year old.
This is her PREMIE jacket!!! Despite her face...she was loving it...she kept laughing and wouldn't let me take it off of her!
I'm coming to get you!!! You better run!!
Aleigha's first pony tail
Little school girl outfit
Aleigha and Daddy
Don't bother me...I'm on the phones.
This pic is from Aleigha's Fall photo shoot (there are a few pics in btwn...but the ones in this outfit is her "shoot pics")
Yes, you are looking at this pic right...she was hiding...
she would stick the tip of the pen in the hole of the
diaper rash tube...and then eat it!!!
Then she was "surprised" when we caught her!
One of her many new looks
She likes to find seats...this time it was her wipes
Back to her photo shoot...for the longest time she wouldn't look at me...
I kept telling her to look, so finally she got "up close and personal"
I absolutely love this picture
Another one of my absolute favorites
Aleigha and Layla
Trying to give Layla a kiss
Alli, Aleigha, and Sarah
Trying to get in the dog cage...she was saying...
"Dad, you can't sell those puppies...or else you'll have to
sell me first!"
Aleigha being silly...she insisted that her pants needed to be on her head
She still does her "Act Surprise" face on command
Aleigha and Alli
Aleigha and Abbie